We promote the development of market mechanisms and information transparency
Iberdrola supports initiatives that promote the development of market mechanisms and information transparency that facilitate competition in energy markets. The EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) obliges all generation operators to provide detailed information in advance on the status of their electricity generation facilities, and on the limitations or constraints on the operation of these facilities that could even lead to forced unavailability, resulting in a reduction in their generation capacity.
Iberdrola endeavours to present the information on this website in a complete, correct manner. This information is subject to review and updating by Iberdrola in compliance with current legislation.
Iberdrola provides this information to the best of its understanding of the criteria of transparency and integrity set by REMIT, without this meaning that all the information published here is considered privileged as defined in these regulations.
More information about REMIT at the Iberdrola group - Market integrity and transparency