Governance and Sustainability System
In order to carry out its duties and to execute its decision-making powers, Iberdrola Energía Sostenible España approved its own Governance and Sustainability System, which is its internal regulation.
In order to carry out its duties and to execute its decision-making powers, Iberdrola Energía Sostenible España approved its own Governance and Sustainability System, which is its internal regulation. It is made up of the By-Laws, the Purpose - which includes the Iberdrola Group Purpose and Values [PDF], the Code of Ethics [PDF], the General Sustainable Development Policy, and the Stakeholder Relations Policy -. it is also made up of regulations and policies that are based on three main vectors: environmental, social and corporate governance that have been approved by the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. as the holding company, by its subholding company Iberdrola España, S.A, and ultimately by the Company, incorporating them into its Governance and Sustainability System.
The Company develops its strategy in accordance with the purpose and values to which all entities and individuals who are part of the Iberdrola group are committed to. They are the common thread of the group: the creation of value in a sustainable manner, the search for a social dividend, and leadership in the performance of all of its activities.
The following list includes all the contents of the Governance and Sustainability System with the relevant links: