Iberdrola Energía Sostenible's commitment to sustainability and innovation
In the renewable energy area, the efforts made in R+D+I are designed to improve the efficiency of assets in operation and develop and improve renewable energy generation technologies.
The main projects of the Spanish Generation area are:
- Improvement of the integration of renewable power sources. An example is ESS2Wind, which is aimed at analysing the possible application of bank storage systems in wind farms to supply auxiliary services to the system.
- Continuous improvement of efficiency in wind farms, reducing operating and maintenance costs and improving production. One example is the ROMEO initiative led by Iberdrola and financed with the Horizon 2020 EU programme which, through advanced monitoring strategies and behavioural analysis of the wind turbines, contributes to optimising the productivity of these types of parks.
Iberdrola Renovables Spain has strengthened its commitment to wind farm and mini-hydro power plant management with different approaches, such as with the Renewable Energies Operation Centre (CORE), a pioneer in the sector. This is a real-time remote control and maintenance centre for all electric power generation sites using renewable energy sources. Located in Toledo, the CORE is a world leader in renewable energy facility management.